Please see below an update received from HMRC related to forthcoming changes in the Customs Agents and Fast Parcel Operator registers available on the GOV.UK pages.

HMRC colleagues will be seeking your assistance during the update process, and we will announce any further instructions in due course.

HMRC announcement:

Customs Agents and Express Operator Registers

The Customs Agents and Fast Parcel Operator registers were introduced in 2019 with the aim of supporting traders in a post EU-Exit and new customs systems environment. There have been no major updates to the registers since their inauguration, and so we have reviewed and updated the data fields on the registers and will soon be contacting businesses to refresh the content.

As part of the refresh we intend to:

·      Update “Fast Parcel Operators” to “Express Operators”

·      Update the register fields, ensuring the data available to traders is relevant and useful

·      Highlight businesses that have achieved Authorised Economic Operator authorisation

·      Remove any businesses that do not respond to the refresh

o   Businesses can be added at any time by completing a simple form

·      We will be requesting businesses joining the register provide their EORI numbers. The EORI will not be displayed on the register, but will assist us in validating businesses and managing the register

·      We are looking to undertake the refresh during September 2024, with the intention of publishing the new registers on GOV.UK towards the end of the month

·      We will continue to use the following mailbox to manage the registers and any associated enquiries:


The post Customs Agents and Express Operator Registers Update appeared first on British International Freight Association.

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